What are the internationally recognized diamond certificates?

What are the internationally recognized diamond certificates?

There are several global certificates from leading diamond industry ratings: GIA, HRD, IGI and EGL, but the most stringent and most famous of them is from the American Institute of Gemology.

The seller can improve his profit by giving you certificates from less stringent local rating agencies, as the slight difference in stone features can significantly affect their price. We advise you to request a recognized international certificate to compare diamonds together before purchasing.

You need to know is that each diamond stone has a unique number engraved on its edge with a laser, as the five globally accredited bodies give testimony to each diamond with their unique number. This pattern of invisible cannot be seen by the naked eye but the diamond microscope, and this ensures that the diamond  you buy is original.

Even for color, similar color grades or purity scores are rated on EGL at 2 to 3 degrees lower than the American Institute of GIA, which affects a lower price.

About the Gemological Institute of America GIA?

It is a non-profit organization founded in 1931 in New York, as a non-profit educational resource for grading of diamonds and gemstones. The institute aims to provide diamond pieces with an objective evaluation regarding their quality and classification criteria. The certificate issued by it is considered a source of confidence, as each stone is carefully examined by many professionals. The GIA Laboratory was responsible for developing the first internationally accepted diamond classification system

At this institute, you will learn from senior industry professionals, you will receive special attention in the smallest detail, and you will be able to access the largest gem library in the world.

GIA offers many online courses for interactive e-learning, in addition to courses on the same website as the Institute. GIA works with many organizations and companies to provide technical training in gems and jewelry.

The institute offers a diploma for postgraduate studies in gemology ( GG ) and program graduates receive a diploma in postgraduate studies in gemology, in addition to postgraduate degrees for diamonds and postgraduate diplomas in colored stones.